Men's health
Premature Ejaculation & Erectile dysfunction
Core program.
Access the very best professional support pathway to address premature ejaculation and erectile
issues. Without pills!
Not only will this increase your capacity to have incredible intimacy that removes the limiting focus on performance, but completely shift your relationship to pleasure and sex. Become more empowered, sensually alive and erotically embodied so that you can be a better lover and have more authentic satisfying intimacy and pleasure.
Premature Ejaculation and erectile dysfunction will affect most penis owners within their lives. It creates a daunting vicious cycle of anxiety and shame that can harm relationships and your self confidence. You don't have to rely on pills or suffer with this condition. Take control with professional support, to shift your pleasure, and create a more positive sex life.
I have supported 100's of penis folks and you can not only end this cycle of arousal challenges, but create a whole new exciting and empowering way of intimacy and sex!
Address premature ejaculation issues at any age, I work with all individuals and can help you stay connected to your partner during sex so you both can maintain intimacy and pleasure and increase your capacity to stay hard and last longer.
​"I was never able to last, from the age of 17 to now at 67 years of age. I just want to say thank you. I came away very proud and surprised at the improvement. I really appreciate the fantastic job you are doing for me, your teachings have been so wonderful and I greatly appreciate your help, which is transforming my relationship and life on so many levels." Client- Embodied Sexology.
5 Sessions tailored Program:
SOMATIC SEX THERAPY, BODYWORK, COACHING, COUNSELLING, EDUCATION done through practice and somatic based learning.
Over 5 sessions we cover things like:
- A holistic approach that addresses the reasons, beliefs, feelings and thinking that can set off premature ejaculation and anxiety.
- Shift out of the patterns that gets you in your head and takes away from being present and relaxed during sex.
- Learn core skills, that change how you interact with your lover, so that you can stay open and receptive.
- New skills to create a healthier masturbation practice to increase your arousal, sensitivity and lasting time.
- Master sensation, building pleasure and attuning to your orgasm and to your partners pleasure.
- Learn the 4 erotic breathing practices, a combination of tantric breathing & down regulating techniques.
- Learn to use an arousal scale, understand the difference of pleasure, arousal and erections and build your capacity to last
- Release shame, fear, stuck emotions that contribute to a nervous system that fires off and puts you in your head.
- Completely expand your understanding of sex and your role in it.
- Increase your pleasure & increase your self esteem with somatic practices that we expand on week to week.
- Develop HOT & essential communication that creates an environment of safety, curiosity and sexy foreplay.
- Hands on BODYWORK by a trained Sexological bodyworker and educator accredited with the Somatic Sex Educators of Australasia.
- Homework to increase your chances of success.
- Tailored to you and your needs.
- Fun and life changing theory and education.
In- person based in the Geelong region.